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Directed by - Alex Ranarivelo writed by - Alex Ranarivelo, Hadeel Reda countries - USA 8,9 / 10 summary - Ride is a movie starring Shane Graham, Ludacris, and Sasha Alexander. The inspiring story of a BMX champion who overcame an abusive childhood through the love and life lessons of his interracial foster family.

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Comedy Average Rating: 7,5 of 10 2019 USA Info: This bizarre retro comedy, shot entirely on VHS and Beta, follows 12-year-old Ralph as he accidentally records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents' wedding tape. VHYes download free music. Vhyes download free music. Vhyes download free movie. Vhyes download free online. Most people here: the accents are horrendous they've should of used SA actors Me: like who? People: the guy from the A-team.

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Vhyes download free windows 7. I am starting to think that the Afrikaner accent might be challenging 🤣🤣🤣. My wife started me on a New Years diet. This looks exactly what it is like to sneak out of the house for a burger. VHYes Download free. Released January 17, 2020 Comedy Tell us where you are Looking for movie tickets? Enter your location to see which movie theaters are playing VHYes near you. ENTER CITY, STATE OR ZIP CODE GO Sign up for a FANALERT® and be the first to know when tickets and other exclusives are available in your area. Also sign me up for FanMail to get updates on all things movies: tickets, special offers, screenings + more. VHYes Synopsis A bizarre retro comedy shot entirely on VHS, VHYes takes us back to a simpler time, when twelve-year-old Ralph mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape. Read Full Synopsis Movie Reviews Presented by Rotten Tomatoes.

VHYes download free game. One Week Only! Fans of Director Jack Henry Robbins’s hilarious PBS inspired short film “Painting with Joan” from the 2018 Florida Film Festival get read to push play on all the analog glory that is VHYes. A bizarre retro comedy shot entirely on a VHS camcorder, VHYes takes us back to a simpler time, when twelve-year-old Ralph mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents’ wedding tape. The result is a nostalgic wave of home shopping clips, censored pornography, and nefarious true-crime tales that threaten to unkindly rewind Ralph’s reality. Featuring riotous guest appearances from Kerry Kinney, Thomas Lennon, Charlyne Yi, Tim Robbins, and Susan Sarandon, and produced by University of Central Florida alumnus Delaney Schenker, this is one nostalgia trip where adjusting the tracking won’t help at all. USA, 2019, 72 minutes, Not Rated, Directed by Jack Henry Robbins "Think of the film as an extended cousin of Too Many Cooks, where parody gives way to weirdness, which gives way to surrealism, which gives way to genuine horror by the end. Bonkers as the combination sounds, and it is unimpeachably bonkers, the effect of their marriage is hypnotic. " – Andrew Crump, Paste Magazine "VHYES is one of the most unique films I've seen in quite some time and it's a film I could watch over and over again. " – Lorry Kikta, Film Threat "Throughout, 'VHYes' laces its nostalgia with bitter poison, reminding its audience that even in the carefree couch potato days of 1987, the end-times always loomed. " – Noel Murray, Los Angeles Times "A skit-filled 'Kentucky Fried Movie'-like takedown of kitsch 1980s media culture develops into a far more prescient and surprisingly moving satire. " – Simon Foster, Screen-Space "A stream of consciousness, experimental, Robot Chicken-style collage. " – Amy Nicholson, NPR "Television is reality, and reality is less than television. And that is, by the end of the 72-minute-long VHYes’ gleefully immersive, intermittently profound 'found footage, ' a lesson Ralph osmotically absorbs through the VHS viewfinder of his life. " – Marc Savlov, Austin Chronivle.

Vhyes download free movies. Critics Consensus VHYes is a unique film for specific tastes -- and a rare, albeit grimy gift for viewers who can appreciate its retro aesthetic and absurd humor. 79% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 39 Coming soon Release date: Jan 12, 2020 Audience Score Ratings: Not yet available VHYes Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. VHYes Photos Movie Info A bizarre retro comedy shot entirely on VHS, VHYes takes us back to a simpler time, when twelve-year-old Ralph mistakenly records home videos and his favorite late night shows over his parents' wedding tape. The result is a nostalgic wave of home shopping clips, censored pornography, and nefarious true-crime tales that threaten to unkindly rewind Ralph's reality. Rating: NR Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 12, 2020 limited Runtime: 72 minutes Studio: Oscilloscope Laboratories Cast News & Interviews for VHYes Critic Reviews for VHYes Audience Reviews for VHYes VHYes Quotes Movie & TV guides.

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Vhyes download free fire. VHYes download free wallpaper. Drafthouse News. Vhyes download free game. VHYes download free ringtones. Vhyes download free games. Vhyes download free full. Find the best for your family See what's streaming, limit strong violence or language, and find picks your kids will love with Common Sense Media Plus. Join now Uneven retro comedy has lots of sex, drug humor. Get it now Searching for streaming and purchasing options... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Get it now on Searching for streaming and purchasing options... Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. X of Y A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Close family ties are encouraged, as is the freedom for kids to explore their surroundings and talents. Positive Role Models & Representations Ralph's parents love him and each other. They let him use his camcorder and trust him to explore the new technology. Ralph is curious and a good friend. In the true-crime show, a character is dead, and blood is visible. Frightening haunted house sequence includes kids breaking into an old house, running away from potential ghosts, being scared in the house. Parody of late-night soft-core movies like those that appeared on '80s cable. Characters are about to engage in sexual acts, including threesomes and oral sex, but the channel always changes before anything graphic is visible. Use of "f--k, " "c--k, " "s--t, " etc. Drinking, Drugs & Smoking The wedding video shows adults drinking. TV hosts make several jokes about cocaine and drug bags, pretending that they're other items to sell. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. Subscribe User Reviews There aren't any reviews yet. Be the first to review this title. What's the story? VHYES opens on Christmas Day 1987, when 12-year-old Ralph (Mason McNulty) starts using his big present: a camcorder with which he's unknowingly recording over his parents' wedding video. The movie, which was shot on VHS and Betamax, plays like found footage of everything on Ralph's VHS tape: Ralph's everyday adventures with his friends, the various TV shows he records on the VCR, and the leftover snippets of the original wedding video. The fictional programs Ralph records are parodies of '80s TV: There are infomercials (starring Thomas Lennon and Courtney Pauroso as QVC-style hosts), true-crime/police dramas, public television antique auditing specials (with Mark Proksch as the appraiser), and late-night offerings like a painter ( Kerri Kenney) of happy landscapes (and even happier, suggestive material). There's also edited-for-TV erotica that will make viewers of a certain age remember the term "Skinemax, " public access garage-band shows, and more -- including cameos from writer-director Jack Henry Robbins' parents, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins. Is it any good? Occasional laughs and a quirky nostalgic sensibility make this indie comedy passably amusing, but its lack of a cohesive plot and ultrashort runtime diminish its entertainment value. Those who grew up in the '80s will appreciate the spoofing of that TV era, particularly Kenney's take on a female version of Bob Ross -- that quiet-voiced painter of happy trees -- which has a surprisingly risque twist. Lennon and Proksch are comedic veterans and do the best they can with the improvisational-seeming screenplay, but there's not enough here beyond the parody jokes. Ralph's story emerges in the second half of VHYes, but even his admittedly touching conversation with a haunted version of his mother isn't enough to glue together the movie's disparate collection of TV snippets, wedding details, and middle school recordings. The fact that the film was actually shot in VHS and Beta makes for an authentic but less than pleasant viewing experience. Still, despite its flaws, there's just enough here that's genuinely funny to make you wonder what Robbins could do with a more feature-length movie. Talk to your kids about... Families can talk about the suggestive material and jokes in VHYes. Who do you think the movie's target audience is? Do you have to be familiar with the '80s to get the jokes? Why do you think nostalgia-themed films are popular? Talk about the nature of throwback TV shows and films in pop culture. If the '80s and '90s are popular now, what decades do you think were popular to explore during the '80s and '90s? Is anyone in the movie a role model? If so, what character strengths do they display? If not, are role models important in movies? Themes & Topics Our editors recommend Goofy '80s comedy is still funny but has dated stereotypes. Whip-smart cop comedy is too hot for kids. Legendary late-night show funny for teens and up. Edgy, goofy sketch comedy with mature themes. Cross-dressing + Canadians = classic sketch comedy laughs. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. See how we rate.

“We got like a 1.7 rating on ghost mates” That broke me. Vhyes download free trial. The TRUE return of Guy Ritchie as we like him. The ticking clock in the background makes it sound like the watchmen trailer. VHYes download free vector. Vhyes download free youtube. This trailer doesn't make me want to see the movie.




Spies in Disguise
4.3 out of 5 stars - 231 votes






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score: 4398 vote When the world's best spy is turned into a pigeon, he must rely on his nerdy tech officer to save the world 102 Min 2019 Troy Quane Writed by: Brad Copeland. Chybi tam joker🤷🏻‍♀️. I know its Tom Holland and all but he really sounds like Finn from adventure time. Get some love for big data.

Ah thats hot. Action (check)
funny (check)
quirky (check)
Its a great film! I enjoyed it a lot!
i am not going to spoil anything about this movie,
because i recommend it. Check it out if you can!
please do! a great film for a family or if you're just bored. This is a great trailer for a new Disney movie, but can't I look at something with more description of what the movie is like.

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Queen: Finally she will get the love of a real mother Maleficant: Excuse me, my love saved her life when your son couldn't do anything.
Kill it in fire.
Among the most popular events of the Annecy Festival, in addition to premieres of highly anticipated films, there are the projections of the Work in Progress section: Duck Duck Goose preview footage accompanied by the commentary by the directors and / or producers on the creative process. For the 2018 edition the inaugural slot was given to Spies in Disguise, a spy comedy featuring 20th Century Fox and Blue Sky Studios (The Ice Age, Rio, Ferdinand), with the voices of Will Smith and Tom Holland in the original version. A product that, judging by the images that we have been able to see exclusively in the world, will make a breach in the hearts of fans of the genre with its respectful but at the same time original interpretation. N. B. This article does not contain spoilers per se, but we do not recommend reading to anyone who does not want to know anything about the movie. At the meeting with the audience were the co-director Troy Quane (the other director, Nick Bruno, could not make the trip from New York) and the production designer Michael Knapp, Dumbo who have been working on the project for four years. “I read the screenplay in 2014 and I fell in love with his approach to the spy genre, ” explained the director who, in preparation for his long work, went to Washington, DC, where part of the story takes place, to do research. In particular, the team visited the espionage museum, containing real and fake relics including different gadgets from the James Bond franchise (“Unfortunately they do not let you drive the Aston Martin”, commented Quane). Observing the various objects and documents, some curious details emerged about the world of secret agents, from the use of pigeons to transmit coded messages (“Those with a bad sense of orientation carried fake missives”, unveiled the filmmaker) to tactics to hide the transmitters in the excrement of the animals. And the pigeons, as we discovered later, play a fundamental role in the film. Searching Term: Spies in Disguise Full Watch Spies in Disguise Movie Streaming Online 2019, Watch Spies in Disguise Movie Streaming HD 1080p, Free Spies in Disguise Movie Streaming Online, Download Spies in Disguise Full Movie Streaming Online in HD-720p Video Quality, Where to Download Spies in Disguise Full Movie?, Spies in Disguise Movie Include All Subtitles 2019.

Spies in Disguise (2019) 6. 8 7409 6. 8 7409 Trailer Nonton Spies in Disguise (2019) Subtitle Indonesia JuraganFilm LK21 LapakFilm Rebahin LayarLebar LayarKaca21 Tancap Indoxxi Idtube DramaSerial 21Cineplex. When the world’s best spy is turned into a pigeon, he must rely on his nerdy tech officer to save the world. Duration: 102 Min Quality: HD Release Date: 2019-12-12 Countries: United States. 2:02 - when i realize i have actually no friends.

Maybe it was the recliner chairs in the theater, but I struggled to keep my eyes open during the first half of the movie. Nobody was laughing in a near-full theater.
But. by the 2nd half, the main story got defined, the jokes were better and the action made sense. Plus, there were some good laughs (though almost all from little children.
I like the actors involved and the idea for the movie, but I think this is a little too simple-minded for adults; it's definitely a kids movie.

After watching this film, it made feel as if the film was originally made for an older audience. Bird Lance (Will Smith) has a censored swear scene and some jokes seemed to be kiddied-down with the overall message being half-hearted and underwhelming.
It made realize that the reason the film was pished back four times was for this very reason. Scenes were cut and the overall story was changed by Blue Sky probably because Disney (it's owners as result of the Disney-Fox merger) probably wasn't keen with the original cut of the film. This is backed up by Blue Sky's wrap up party and the earlier trailer and concept art.
Overall, the film was okay. It's one of the better Blue Sky movies made, as it's not as good as The Peanuts Movie but not as bad as the Ice Age franchise films. Hopefully, the original experiments from Blue Sky continue well through the Disney era.


Me seeing felix in person :woah feet. The film begins with a powerful entrance by Lance Sterling(Will smiths character) which is quite first half of the film contains most of the humor and comedy. Second half is quite laggy but gud. A must watch if u like animated ones and ya if u r a will smith fan. What was that last line. 1:47 El Titans-Verse :V.


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Director: Jake Kasdan / / 7,7 / 10 / Action, Comedy / cast: Jack Black, Kevin Hart / 2 h, 3 min. This is very interesting because with the trailers I'm still trying to figure out where is Steward and just how is grandfather and his so called non friend got into the game! I really have to see this movie.

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WOW love it 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼. The fact that Rian Johnson even made the coffee on a movie is an automatic No from now on. Jumanji the next level free movie online. Free movie jumanji: the next level lyrics. Free movie jumanji 3a the next level enhance. Free Movie Jumanji: The Next leveling. Dude this entire scene had me dying, especially when Milo took his time to get to the bloody point and Fridge couldn't even workout. 😂😂. Jumanji the next level full movie free dailymotion. Free Movie Jumanji: The next level. Free movie jumanji 3a the next level remix. Jumanji: The Next Level is the newest film in the Jumanji film series. This film is directed and partly written and produced by Jake Kasdan, who also directed the second Jumanji film.
The friends from the previous film discover that the Jumanji game broke down. Spencer (Alex Wolf) tried to repair the game with his own hands, but got stuck in the game. The friends decide to go back into the game themselves to save Spencer. Once back in the game, the friends learn that they are in the body of a different avatar than the last time. Two new players also traveled with the friends into the game, namely Spencer his grandfather Eddie (Danny DeVito) and his friend Milo (Danny Glover. The friends need to explain to the new players what's going on and learn what they have to do in the game this time, to finish the game and be able to return to the real world.

With this new film they have expanded the world of the game by bringing the characters to new places such as arid deserts and cold snowy mountain areas. All these new locations provide new opportunities for suitable action scenes. Despite the new entertaining action scenes, the humor and comedy of the film still comes across as predictable and repeated. The best comedy comes from putting the characters in other avatar bodies. This way you have the little Danny DeVito in the body of the big muscular Dwayne Johnson. Also the quiet older Danny Glover in the body of the busy Kevin Hart.
For the new locations in the film, they have really traveled to places to film here such as Canada and New Mexico. With the animals in the film you can still see that they were placed in the film with CGI, just like with the previous film. Because the film is set in a video game, they can use this as an excuse, just like they did in the previous film.
The acting is also well done by the cast. It is nice to see the actors now playing their characters in a different way by putting the characters in the different avatar bodies. The film loses some comedy that came to the fore in the second part such as a popular teenage girl in the avatar body of Jack Black. It is special to see Kevin Hart playing a quiet role with the older Danny Glover in the body of his avatar. Kevin Hart is more known for playing excessively busy roles, but he knows how to stay calm for most of this film.

Fridge “I Gotta Stop Hanging Around With White People” LMAO. We got a new captain america who can replace sam wilson.🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Jumanji the next level 2019 full movie free download camrip. “Like that will stop a sequel” 2019: JUMANJI THE NEXT LEVEL lol. Me wondering: is spencer nick Jonas? Also me: where did bethany go. Free movie jumanji: the next level 5. I just realized there's two Dannys in this cast Lol. XD in the begining it says kid friendly I'm pretty sure it cursed and had some other stuff...

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Watch free movie jumanji the next level. Kevin Hart is the funniest celebrity in this world❤️❤️❤️. Nice to see Sony giving so much love to Jumanji. Merry Christmas y'all! 🎄🎄.

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Free movie jumanji: the next level 100. Wait a minute the radio. Free movie jumanji: the next level crossword. Saw the sequel a few days ago. Can't wait for the third... This is what it feels like when a game is released yearly. graphics are mostly the same, environments are recycled, animations are recycled, and characters not even fleshed out to have a distinguishing look from the previous entry. Im gonna see this movie purely because of Jack Black being Bethany again.

Awesome work bro ❤❤🙌🙌🙌. Wait so we're is Spencer and Martha will they be later in the movie. Watch jumanji the next level full movie free. The next level. 16:58 Endgame: Am I a Joke to You. Free movie jumanji: the next level 4. Free movie jumanji: the next level movie. Free movie jumanji 3a the next level new. Free Movie Jumanji: The Next level 5.

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Zapraszają Miła, Krzysztof i Maciej 59:37 March 2, 2020 Ptaki Nocy: Harley Quinn, Nieoszlifowane diamenty, Zenek i Dżentelmeni "Ptaki Nocy (i fantastyczna emancypacja pewnej Harley Quinn)" (01:23) skróciły się do "Ptaki Nocy: Harley Quinn" bo ponoć tytuł psuł zyski. My zobaczyliśmy i jedno jest pewne Margot Robbie jest wspaniała. Zawsze. Bracia Safdi do teraz znani w Polsce tylko z obiegu festiwalowego czekają na Netflixie ze swoimi "Nieoszlifowanymi diamentami" (12:31). "Zenek" (26:34) lepszy, niż zapowiedzi, zresztą tak samo jako powrót Guya Ritchiego. (37:15) Zapraszają - Maciej i Krzysztof 47:39 February 17, 2020 Oscary! Parasite! Komentarz po gali Kto oglądał ten się dobrze bawił. Kto nie oglądał może posłucha? Dzisiaj w towarzystwie Mateusza Rota z bloga Watching Closely. Zapraszają - Maciek i Krzysiek /totalny brak czasu skutkuje fatalnym montażem - darujcie/ 59:17 February 12, 2020 Małe kobietki, Proxima i Sex Education feat. Kasia co z tym seksem Od (01:05) recenzja "Małych kobietek" Grety Gerwig. Od (26:04) recenzja "Proximy" Alice Winocour, a na koniec 2. sezon "Sex Education" od Netflixa. Specjalną gościnią programu, w roli współprowadzącej była Kasia Koczułap - z instagrama Kasia, co z tym seksem. Zapraszają - Miłka, Krzysiek, Maciek i Kasia 59:49 February 3, 2020 1917, Jojo Rabbit i Richard Jewell. O Oscarach opowiada Zwierz Popkulturalny Od (00:47) recenzja "1917: Sama Mendesa. Powraca Taika Waititi - reżyser "Thora: Ragnarok" czy "Co robimy w ukryciu". Recenzja "Jojo Rabbit" od (22:56). Od (37:23) film 89-letniego Clinta Eastwooda "Richard Jewell". Na koniec Katarzyna Czajka - Kominiarczuk z bloga Zwierz Popkulturalny opowiada o Oscarach. Jej książka "Oscary. Sekrety największej nagrody filmowej" właśnie doczekała się wznowienia. Zapraszają - Krzysiek, Miłka i Maciek Nasz facebook czeka:) 1:15:24 January 27, 2020 Psy 3, Gorący temat i komentarz do oscarowych nominacji Powrócił! Władysław Pasikowski dał się skusić i "Psy 3" są już w kinach. Od piątku obejrzało je 400 tysięcy widzów recenzja od - (01:06). Też trzy, ale wspaniałe aktorki: Margot Robbie Charlize Theron i Nicole Kidman w "Gorącym temacie", recenzja od (18:33). Na koniec komentarz do oscarowych nominacji - (33:14). Zapraszają - Krzysztof i Maciej 56:28 January 20, 2020 Koty, Drakula, Deerskin, Osierocony Brooklyn, Sokół z masłem orzechowym i Kod Dedala Dzisiaj odrabiamy zaległości i zajmujemy się aż pięcioma filmami. Na początek wielka klęska "Koty" (00:44), później sporo zaskoczenie od twórców "Sherlocka" - "Drakula" (17:19) - czeka na Netflixie. "Deerskin" czyli film twórcy kultowej "Morderczej opony". "Osierocony Brooklyn" od Edwarda Nortona, "Sokół z masłem orzechowym" z, znowu, Shią LaBeoufem, a na koniec mały, ale porządny film "Kod Dedala". Zapraszają - Krzysztof, Miła i Maciek 48:34 January 13, 2020 Serialowe TOP 10, Złote Globy, Oficer i szpieg oraz Judy Miłka prezentuje swoją 10 najlepszych seriali 2019 roku. Komentujemy Złote Globy, a także recenzujemy nowy film Romana Polańskiego: "Oficer i szpieg". Na koniec recenzja "Judy" z nagrodzoną Złotym Globem Renée Zellweger. 1:12:55 January 6, 2020 Wielkie Podsumowanie Roku W doskonałym towarzystwie rozmawiamy o najlepszych filmach roku. Zaproszenie przyjęli: Michał Hernes i Dominik Sobolewski z Watching Closely, Julian Jeliński z Bród z Kosmosu, Stanisław Abramik z Kina Nowe Horyzonty i Józef Poznar z Radia Luz. 1:01:24 December 29, 2019 Dwóch papieży, najlepszy serial roku, Nazywam się Dolemite i Słodziak W KinoTalk mówiliśmy już o "Irlandczyku", "Historii małżeńskiej", "Klausie", "I lost my body", przyszedł czas na "Dwóch papieży". Wszystkie te produkcje wyprodukował Netflix. Być może nie jest najlepszym serialem roku, naszą 10 Miłka przedstawi na koniec roku, ale w tej 10 na pewno będzie. I jeszcze jedna znakomita produkcja od czerwonego N - "Nazywam się Dolemite" z doskonałym Eddiem Murphym. Na koniec "Słodziak" Almy Ha'rel z i o Shia LaBeouf. 49:56 December 16, 2019 Łukasz Simlat opowiada i śpiewa. Historia małżeńska, I lost my body i Klaus Rozmawiamy z aktorem "Żelaznego mostu", "Broad Peak" czy "Belfra" - Łukaszem Simlatem. (18:59) trochę o samych filmach, ale więcej o życiu, procesie twórczym, ulubionych serialach i polskich scenariuszach. Zachwycamy się "Historią małżeńską" (01:49) i animacjami od Netflixa: "I lost my body" (40:54) i "Klaus" (57:13). 57:17 December 9, 2019 "Irlandczyk", "Na noże" i "Le Mans '66" Martin Scorsese podsumowuje swoją karierę w "Irlandczyku" 01:59, my idziemy w jego ślady i robimy to samo. W "Na noże" 16:32 latają noże, cięte riposty i dobre żarty. W "Le Mans '66" 25:35 ryczą silniki i palą się hamulce. Do tego "śmietnik", a w nim "Kraina lodu 2" 38:50, i "Nie ma nas w domu"44:08. 51:49 December 2, 2019 Lighthouse, Doktor Sen i drugi sezon The End of the F***ing World Przebój każdego festiwalu, na którym się pojawia i walka fanów o dystrybucję czyli "Lighthouse" 02:09. Kontynuacja "Lśnienia", którą Stephen King, dla odmiany lubi, czyli "Doktor Sen" 19:22. Omawiamy drugi sezon The End of the F***ing World 32:22, a także recenzje filmów: "Ptak, który zwiastował trzęsienie ziemi" 44:40 i "#Jestem M. Misfit" 51. :41 59:36 November 25, 2019 Terminator: Mroczne przeznaczenie i Fleabag Trochę to trwało, ale się udało. Pierwszy, oficjalny, odcinek podcastu KinoTalk. Krzysztof Majewski, Maciej Stasierski, Miłosława Bożek. Mierzymy się z miernym, ale wybuchowym "Terminatorem" i nieco starszym, ale wybornym serialem "Fleabag". 33:28 November 17, 2019.

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  1. Japan
  2. Writers - Riko Sakaguchi, Isao Takahata
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